New UK TV spot featuring Deadpool with Manchester United (coincidentally or not, Lefors' favorite soccer team) - and a special guest appearance by Wolverine! (x)
posted: 1 DAY ago
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... and as good a story as they have right now, Vanessa isn't the great love of Wade's life - he's not met that person yet at this point in his timeline. And movie-verse, I think... that particular relationship will be treated very differently than it was in comic-verse. I know there have been ideas thrown around about this person being in more of an adversarial role; that was their original role in the comics as well, but things turned out differently. It's a matter of audience appeal film-wise. We're still a ways off from where we'd need to be for anything else. People know this character and they want to see he and Deadpool butt heads, and their fights are really intense, too. It'll be good, I think. But it wouldn't be Deadpool if he didn't make it at least a little sexual, that's just him, so we'll see."
posted: 2 days ago
with: 843 notes
He and gal pal/co-star Auden Tremont have been on a press tour across Europe for the past few weeks promoting Deadpool (I have a bunch of recaps coming up for you guys), but someone managed to snap this creeper pic of our boo in his downtime. Three guesses who he's got tagging along with him - the first two don't count. Couple of fan accounts say that both were friendly, but when it came time for fan photos, it was usually our little antihero who posed for the camera, saying that his "friend" was "shy." Tell us again about how you're totally not dating. We believe you.
posted: 2 days ago
with: 619 notes

Deadpool speaks: A deeply offensive conversation with the world's sexiest superhero
"For 25 years he's been the bad boy of the Marvel universe: a mercenary, once known as Wade Wilson, who was mutilated in a gonzo cancer treatment and became the vigilante Deadpool. The incident cost him his creamy complexion, but he gained super-human powers and retained his filthy sense of humor and selective moral code.

Now, on the occasion of his self-titled biopic (out February 12 and starring Jeremy Lefors, who also played Deadpool in 2009's X-Men Origins: Wolverine), EW spoke exclusively with the Merc With a Mouth himself for an emotionally naked chat about Spider-Man, Tina Turner, and the jackboots of God..." (x)

posted: 4 days ago
with: 754 notes

#tbt because I'm desperately missing the pink hair right now, and because he still has no idea how to use a mac.

posted: 4 DAYS AGO
with: 2,034 NOTES
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